The 5th Mostly annual Mostly Manitoba, Michigan and Minnesota Combinatorics Graduate Students Workshop was held at Iowa State University, Ames, IA on September 10 and 11, 2022. This was a two-day conference/workshop with plenary invited speakers and parallel sessions of talks delivered by graduate students. Topics included graph theory, extremal combinatorics, finite geometries, designs, and other areas of combinatorics.
The workshop had 46 registered participants including graduate students, postdocs, and faculty. The plenary speakers were József Balogh (University of Illinois), Andrzej Dudek (Western Michigan University), Mike Santana (Grand Valley State University), Mike Tait (Villanova), Liana Yepremyan (Emory University). There were also 16 talks by graduate students from various institutions. The conference was live streamed on Zoom for participants who could not come in person for cost or covid reasons.
This conference series was started as an event where graduate students can give talks in a friendly atmosphere. The conferences are planned to attract local participants (i.e. driving distance) rather than from all over North America. The previous workshops were hosted by ISU in 2018, University of Minnesota, Duluth in 2017, University of Manitoba in 2016, and Michigan Technological University in 2015.
Bernard Lidický, professor of mathematics, lead the organization and management of MMMMM 2022, with the collaboration of postdoctoral scholars Emily Heath, Chris Cox, and Bryan Curtis.
The conference was funded by ISU Department of Mathematics, the ISU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Combinatorics Foundation, National Science Foundation through the award DMS – 2152490, and Scott Hanna Faculty Fellowship.
More can be learned on the conference website.