Department of Mathematics


Welcome to the exciting world of mathematics at Iowa State University.

From cracking codes to modeling the spread of diseases, our program offers something for everyone.  With a wide range of courses and research opportunities, you will have the chance to delve deep into the world of mathematics and discover your own unique talents and interests. Whether you dream of working for a top tech company, teaching at a prestigious university, or pursuing cutting-edge research, join us and discover the limitless potential of mathematics at Iowa State University!

Student and faculty member at chalkboard

A world of probabilities and possibilities

A degree in mathematics can open the door to career opportunities that involve data analysis, teaching, programming, finance, academia, industry and more – work that identifies underlying patterns in society and can predict future trends.



Faculty members maintain well-funded research programs in several areas. Undergraduate and graduate students have opportunities to participate in research and explore mathematics with some of the most well-respected instructors in their field.

So many fields of math are connected to each other. I realized the importance of theorems and proofs and that (once proven), some formulas are meant to be used! We shouldn’t try to recreate the wheel over and over again.

Shelby Banks (’17 mathematics)


Upcoming Events and Conferences

CA+ Conference

9:00 am

Topological Methods in Combinatorics – Summer School

All Day