Did you catch the latest edition of Math Matters? In it we included some favorite problems from the Problem of the Week archives. Problems are classified as E (easy), M (medium), H (hard) and C (clear your calendar!).
Our first [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/hei6fj24t3mjprt0rurlhhb8oddr4fz6) is now revealed.
Our second [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/i35zw1mwmaol0vy4tdqdq9bs66wrpber) is now revealed.
Our third [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/amps4k9l5g1ua3cv5663npnkclrwjmz4) is now revealed.
Our fourth [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/wvyv23i9a8hdyrduh3b10yit9huwhr9h) is now revealed.
Our fifth [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/416i2bytj2sealroyvdru7wl2wgrwxh6) is now revealed. We’ve moved from easy problems to medium.
Our sixth [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/brzwngrzce8yjh34zlyd1c69585x7tx6) is now revealed.
Our seventh [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/paszkdmpyi0xvxdzr1zu7wtfvdzf4v36) is now revealed.
Our eighth [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/q8yjvsswxzy4ojwce1vz7213yneogxrk) is now revealed. We’ve moved from medium problems to hard.
Our ninth [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/rcnhi79shvedxkpydoxamc1p7py7g08g) is now revealed.
Our tenth [solution](https://iastate.box.com/s/2539jjp27q8jagtac7wp5k5b7ebiojpm) is now revealed.
This is our final problem and answer! We hope you’ve enjoyed the challenge of these problems.