María Soria-Carro has been awarded one of the three 2023 Association for Women in Mathematis (AWM) Dissertation Prize:
Soria-Carro graduated in 2022 from the University of Texas at Austin with a PhD in Mathematics dissertation entitled “Regularity of elliptic transmission problems and a new family of integro-differential operators related to the Monge-Ampère equation.”
Her co-advisors were Luis A. Caffarelli (UT Austin) and Pablo Raúl Stinga (ISU). Stinga is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, and the Department’s Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
The AWM Dissertation Prize is an annual award for up to three outstanding PhD dissertations presented by female mathematical scientists and defended during the 24 months preceding the deliberations for the award. The Prizes are given to those dissertations deemed most outstanding by the award committee.
During her time as a graduate student, Soria-Carro visited ISU in two occasions, one of them as an invited plenary speaker to the 2019 Midwest Geometry Conference held on campus. She currently holds a postdoctoral position at Rutgers University.