Applied Mathematics Minor

The department offers a minor in applied mathematics. The minor requires at least 16 credits, including at least 6 credits in courses numbered 300 or above taken at Iowa State University. At least 9 credits must apply exclusively towards the minor and cannot be used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.


The Applied Mathematics Minor will be available to add starting in Fall 2025.


Course NumberCourse TitleCredits
MATH 2650Calculus III4
One of the following:3-4
MATH 2070Matrices and Linear Algebra
MATH 3170Theory of Linear Algebra
One of the following:3-4
MATH 2660Elementary Differential Equations
MATH 2670Elementary Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms
One of the following:3-4
MATH 3140Graph Theory
MATH 3650Complex Variables with Applications
MATH 3850Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4070Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 4230Mathematical Modeling in Biology
MATH 4810Numberical Methods for Differential Equations
One of the following:3-4
MATH 3040Combinatorics
MATH 3140Graph Theory
MATH 3410Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics I
MATH 3650Complex Variables with Applications
MATH 3730Introduction to Scientific Computing
MATH 3850Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4070Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 4210Logic for Mathematics and Computer Science
MATH 4230Mathematical Modeling in Biology
MATH 4240Introduction to High Performance Computing
MATH 4690Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MATH 4810Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Total Credits16-20

More information

For more information regarding the minor in applied mathematics, please contact:

Dane Mayhook
Director of Undergraduate Studies

Christina Brady
Academic Advisor II